Develop and implement the Queue Ticketing & Online Booking system software that will be customized for the client’s business customer queuing workflow.
Develop and implement the Queue Ticketing & Online Booking system software that will be customized for the client’s business customer queuing workflow.
Since each business is unique, our RIT System software can be configured to your specific needs. We have in-house programmers that can customize the features and functionalities of the existing RIT System to specifically suit the requirements of your business.
The RIT System requires username/password log-in as a security feature. The starting numbers used for queuing are also randomized to further safeguard the queuing process.
The Queue Ticketing & Online Booking System is a web browser-based application, so there is no need for software installation on the client computers. It runs on the client company’s local area network (LAN) connection
RIT System has an Application Programming Interface (API) which provides a common ground for existing third party program of the clients to integrate seamlessly. Using an API is the standard way for disparate software programs to communicate with one another.
The Queue Ticketing & Online Booking System offers statistics reports as a means to help in analyzing customer service; i.e., for the number of customer served for each counter, the number of customers arriving at a certain period, typical waiting times, etc. This allows the company to know where services can be improved.
The Queue Ticketing & Online Booking System uses regular desktop PC’s, laptops, off-the- shelf POS printers and regular LCD / LED monitors. There is no need to upgrade or to purchase a specialized set of hardware devices to use the RIT System.
Use the RIT System media player to show movie clips and keep your waiting clients entertained. Most video file types can be played, and all files are easily uploaded using the software.
The Queue Management & Online Booking System screen layout can accommodate advertisements, company commercials and promotions that can be featured to promote your business or to introduce a new product or service. Clients waiting in line are a captive audience and very responsive to advertisement messages. The ad space can also be marketed to affiliates or clients as a below-the- line marketing activity.
Any other customized program functionalities will be determined beforehand and will incur additional days to implement and additional charges.